Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2021

จ าแนกตามชนิดของอาคาร เป็นรายภาค พ.ศ. 2563 by Type of Building and Region: 2020 รับอนุมัติให้ก่อสร้าง (รำย) Permitted (person) 18,605 37,822 46,773 30,443 Total 17,301 35,383 44,868 28,412 Residential building 699 1,200 1,077 1,068 Commercial building 16 30 25 26 Office building 150 214 103 300 Hotel and restaurant 111 256 160 118 Industrial and factory building 9 13 19 8 Sewerage building Power House/ Power Station/ 16 58 39 20 Solar energy Building 4 10 10 9 Water supply and filter plant 8 50 50 61 Educational building 3 14 10 8 Health/hospital building - 7 1 5 Transportation building 59 170 120 80 Agricultural building 4 19 6 4 Entertainment 173 395 280 321 Others purposes 52 3 5 3 Othere commercial building Permitted construction (unit) 21,302 41,473 49,866 40,391 Total 19,409 38,075 47,473 37,159 Residential building 873 1,383 1,172 1,501 Commercial building 19 47 32 28 Office building 406 634 321 921 Hotel and restaurant 177 394 240 142 Industrial and factory building 9 15 19 15 Sewerage building Power House/ Power Station/ 29 102 52 25 Solar energy Building Region Region Region Western Northeastern Southern Region Region Type of building ภำคเหนือ เฉียงเหนือ ภำคใต้ Northern ตะวันออก ตะวันตก Eastern ภำค ภำค ภำคตะวันออก 339 Industrial Statistics