Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2021

จ าแนกตามชนิดของอาคาร เป็นรายภาค พ.ศ. 2563 (ต่อ) by Type of Building and Region: 2020 (Cont.) 4 10 16 10 Water supply and filter plant 9 63 52 76 Educational building 5 41 10 12 Health/hospital building - 10 1 5 Transportation building 114 267 158 117 Agricultural building 8 19 6 11 Entertainment 187 410 305 366 Others purposes 53 3 9 3 Othere commercial building งอาคารโรงเรือน (ตร.ม.) Area of building construction (sq.m.) 4,164,150 7,207,560 7,491,913 6,806,123 Total 2,651,070 5,063,645 5,587,324 4,790,247 Residential building 544,567 561,036 553,891 653,029 Commercial building 36,312 66,079 28,170 31,219 Office building 163,184 297,513 173,428 507,085 Hotel and restaurant 394,886 479,503 570,257 344,480 Industrial and factory building 6,267 6,636 7,832 11,219 Sewerage building Power House/ Power Station/ 49,935 121,670 121,221 69,211 Solar energy Building 741 2,644 13,571 1,260 Water supply and filter plant 4,685 45,538 38,447 73,086 Educational building 3,883 42,657 71,151 21,852 Health/hospital building - 11,207 1,692 2,229 Transportation building 246,611 395,988 231,309 181,129 Agricultural building 3,593 6,817 3,281 3,552 Entertainment 40,914 104,954 83,104 115,019 Others purposes 17,502 1,673 7,235 1,506 Othere commercial building Source: The Construction Area, National Statistical Office, Ministry of Digital of Economy and Society Region Region Region Region Region ภำคเหนือ ภำคใต้ ภำค Type of building Eastern Western Northern Northeastern Southern ตะวันออก ตะวันตก เฉียงเหนือ ภำค ภำคตะวันออก 341 Industrial Statistics