Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2021

A Drinking alcoholic 174 Accidents 453-454 Drugs 186-188 Air quality 565 Desiring for skill development 101-103,220 Air transport 448-451 Arrivals 42 Area of holding 298-300 E Assets 503-504 Electric 360-361 Employed persons 71-72,87,219 B Employee 78-85,'328-329 Balance of payments 506 Energy 360-363,368 Birth 25-30,36-37,39-40 Establishment 197-199,327-329,469-473 Budget 113,164,519-542 Exchange 507 Expenditure 237,242-245,248 C 272-279,282,487 Civil cases 255 521-542 Civilian 90-95 Export 377-383,391-399 Coins 499-500 Expressway 440-445 Computer 388,398,467-471 Construction 336-345 F Construction materials price index 414 Forest area 569-571 Consumption expenditure 272-279 Forest products 577 Co-operatives 513 Fresh fish at fish market 320 Copyright 556 Cosumer price index 400-410 G Credit 505 Government debt 543-546 Crimnal cases 256-257 Gross domestic product 269-270 Classrooms 132-139 Gross fixed capital formation 280-281 Gross national product 267-268 D Gross reqional 284-289 Death 31-37,39-40,182 Debt 246-247,503-504 H Density 15-17 Health insurance 193-194 Departures 43 Hightway 423 Deposits 505 Household 237-248 Divorced 38 Hotels 489 Index