Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2023
และสถานภาพทํางาน ไตรมาส 3 พ.ศ. 2565 and Work Status: 3 rd Quarter, 2022 (พันคน Thousand persons) Work status 13,512.2 6,434.4 45.1 6,936.2 4,197.6 0.3 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.7 1.1 - Mining and quarrying 753.6 302.6 6.1 Manufacturing - - - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Water supply; sewerage, waste management 12.4 3.8 - and remediation activities 307.8 111.8 33.9 Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor 2,511.4 1,086.6 2.1 vehicles and motorcycles 618.0 16.6 0.1 Transportation and storage 1,376.0 605.6 - Accommodation and food service activities 20.0 1.6 - Information and communication 28.1 0.6 1.0 Financial and insurance activities 61.1 2.4 - Real estate activities 93.6 16.3 - Professional, scientific and technical activities 74.6 11.7 - Administrative and support service activities Public administration and defence; - - - compulsory social security 21.8 1.3 - Education 29.2 3.3 0.2 Human health and social work activities 131.7 32.4 0.2 Arts, entertainment and recreation 531.2 39.0 1.4 Other service activities Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services-producing - - - activities of households for own use - - - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 4.7 - - Unknown Source: The Labour Force Survey Whole Kingdom, National Statistical Office, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society Total cooperatives Industry การรวมกลุ ม producers Self employed Unpaid ของครอบครัว โดยไม มีลูกจ าง Members of family worker with out employee ทํางานส วนตัว ช วยธุรกิจ Labour Statistics 73
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