Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2023

ในกรุงเทพมหานครและส วนภูมิภาค ป การศึกษา 2560 - 2564 (ต อ) in Bangkok and Other Provinces : Academic Years 2017 - 2021 (Cont.) Bangkok Bangkok - 438 - 438 - Bangkok - 437 - 437 - Department of Education - 1 - 1 - Navamindradhiraj University 37 2 37 2 37 Ministry of Public Health 37 2 37 2 37 Praborommarajchanok Institute 1 1 1 1 1 Ministry of Transport 5 13 3 13 3 Ministry of Defence 15 2 16 2 16 Ministry of Culture 1 1 2 1 2 Bunditpatanasilpa Institute 12 - 12 - 12 Colleges of Dramatic Arts 2 1 2 1 2 Colleges of Fine Arts 29 - 28 - 28 Ministry of Tourism and Sports 13 - 11 - 11 Sport Schools 16 - 17 - 17 Physical Education Colleges 395 11 397 11 396 National Office of Buddhism 219 1 221 1 221 Organizations Under the Prime Minister 218 - 220 - 220 Border Patrol Police General Headquarters 1 - 1 - 1 Police Cadet Academy - 1 - 1 - Police College of Nursing (1) There is some redundant information with the number of schools that open for both general and vocational education. (2) In 2017 - 2019 the number of institutions under the office of the higher education commission not includes the number of demonstration schools because the demonstration schools are considered the department of universities instead of the institutions. (3) The Community College is a juristic person, It will be considered as a institution. (4) In 2019 , there was merged Office of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Research Council together and established a new ministy, namely Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation. Source : Office of the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education ภูมิภาค กทม. ภูมิภาค กทม. ภูมิภาค Other provinces Jurisdiction 2563 (2020) 2564 (2021) provinces Other provinces Other (2019) Education Statistics 11 3