Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2023

ในกรุงเทพมหานครและส วนภูมิภาค ป การศึกษา 2560 - 2564 in Bangkok and Other Provinces : Academic Years 2017 - 2021 กทม. Bangkok Bangkok 11,083,396 1,643,860 10,945,564 1,651,556 10,965,986 9,168,730 687,323 9,105,310 705,070 9,135,458 Ministry of Education 1,872,725 325,750 1,836,443 348,857 1,849,067 Office of the Private Education Commission (1) 6,396,710 255,874 6,344,871 255,933 6,356,266 Office of the Basic Education Commission 6,352,294 254,403 6,300,689 254,499 6,312,996 General education 12,120 297 11,917 242 12,027 Special education 32,296 1,174 32,265 1,192 31,243 Welfare education 898,580 105,699 923,281 100,280 929,404 Office of Vocational Education Commission 661,577 29,080 666,821 26,905 666,720 Public vocational school 237,003 76,619 256,460 73,375 262,684 Private vocational school - - - - - Office of the Higher Education Commission - - - - - Demonstration School - - - - - Institute of Community College (2) - - - - - Public Institutions of Higher Education - - - - - Private Institutions of Higher Education 715 - 715 - 721 Mahidol Wittayanusorn School Ministry of Higher Education, Science, 1,055,558 671,246 979,981 671,246 979,981 Research and Innovation (3) 1,055,558 671,246 979,981 671,246 979,981 Office of the Higher Education Commission 42,906 24,376 43,896 24,376 43,896 Demonstration School 924,184 467,038 862,558 467,038 862,558 Public Institutions of Higher Education 88,468 179,832 73,527 179,832 73,527 Private Institutions of Higher Education 747,084 - 748,956 - 742,073 Ministry of Interior 730,798 - 733,669 - 727,874 Department of Local Administration 16,286 - 15,287 - 14,199 Bureau of Pattaya Educational 119 58 20 58 20 Ministry of Social Development and Human Security 119 58 20 58 20 Department of Children and Youth (2019) 2563 (2020) Total 2564 (2021) ภูมิภาค Other provinces Jurisdiction กทม. ภูมิภาค ภูมิภาค Other provinces Other provinces Education Statistics 1 19