Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2023

ที่เป นอาคารโรงเรือน จําแนกตามชนิดของอาคาร และภาค พ.ศ. 2565 by Type of Building and Region: 2022 ) Permitted (person) 19,016 42,709 52,091 34,254 Total 17,933 40,214 50,379 32,368 Residential building 505 1,139 934 968 Commercial building 24 71 42 50 Office building 50 99 64 155 Hotel and restaurant 191 319 157 162 Industrial and factory building 8 22 7 8 Sewerage building Power house/Power station/ 20 64 36 18 Solar energy building 5 10 7 6 Water supply and filter plant 9 33 32 47 Educational building 4 16 9 12 Health/Hospital building Region Region Western Northeastern Southern Region Region Type of building ภาคเหนือ เฉียงเหนือ ภาคใต Northern ภาคตะวันตก ภาคตะวันออก Industrial Statistics 337 4 1 9 1 - 2 - 1 Transportation building 44 207 109 104 Agricultural building 3 17 8 18 Entertainment 188 445 260 282 Others purposes 32 51 47 55 Othere commercial building Permitted construction (unit) 21,300 46,188 55,596 44,772 Total 19,917 43,191 53,390 41,869 Residential building 593 1,328 1,115 1,293 Commercial building 26 71 45 66 Office building 174 195 216 681 Hotel and restaurant 223 397 208 186 Industrial and factory building 8 23 7 8 Sewerage building Power house/Power station/ 24 66 44 19 Solar energy building