Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2023

ที่เป นอาคารโรงเรือน จําแนกตามชนิดของอาคาร และภาค พ.ศ. 2565 (ต อ) by Type of Building and Region: 2022 (Cont.) 5 12 7 8 Water supply and filter plant 9 42 38 71 Educational building 4 17 9 14 Health/Hospital building - 2 - 1 Transportation building 80 279 172 157 Agricultural building 3 17 8 18 Entertainment 202 497 282 325 Others purposes 32 51 55 56 Othere commercial building Area of building construction (sq.m.) 4,207,024 8,024,189 7,786,020 7,190,224 Total 2,608,539 5,729,203 6,112,638 5,321,617 Residential building 267,921 845,175 505,884 811,848 Commercial building 34,691 68,751 39,990 90,686 Office building Region Region Region Region ภาคเหนือ ภาคใต Type of building Western Northern Northeastern Southern ภาคตะวันตก เฉียงเหนือ ภาคตะวันออก Industrial Statistics 339 41,063 147,889 69,473 240,969 Hotel and restaurant 949,501 520,008 306,908 283,682 Industrial and factory building 3,364 55,392 1,903 4,397 Sewerage building Power house/Power station/ 79,439 60,671 82,702 35,164 Solar energy building 702 868 10,503 664 Water supply and filter plant 7,495 32,787 22,273 34,724 Educational building 1,770 18,363 30,661 22,359 Health/Hospital building - 325 - 16 Transportation building 131,289 367,907 349,978 171,103 Agricultural building 808 9,682 2,514 12,472 Entertainment 59,054 98,935 119,865 101,055 Others purposes 21,388 68,233 130,728 59,468 Othere commercial building Source : The Construction Area, National Statistical Office, Ministry of Digital of Economy and Society