Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2023

จําแนกตามถิ่นที่อยู และเพศ พ.ศ. 2562 - 2563 by Residence and Sex: 2019 - 2020 ( คน Person ) 3,355,037 3,370,156 -83.2 -82.3 -83.9 1,746,050 2,040,000 -86.3 -85.6 -86.9 East Asia 740,706 905,288 -84.9 -84.7 -85.0 ASEAN 276,251 336,671 -85.7 -85.5 -85.8 Malaysia 77,446 55,065 -88.5 -87.0 -90.1 Singapore 28,155 40,204 -85.6 -84.5 -86.2 Philippines 44,024 52,969 -86.3 -85.5 -86.9 Indonesia 58,765 72,543 -87.8 -87.4 -88.2 Vietnam 155,365 226,881 -79.4 -80.4 -78.7 Laos 73,303 90,967 -82.2 -82.5 -82.0 Cambodia 25,990 28,951 -85.9 -84.8 -86.7 Myanmar 1,407 1,037 -87.7 -86.0 -89.4 Brunei 194,329 119,715 -82.4 -81.5 -83.7 Japan 141,848 120,465 -86.1 -84.6 -87.4 Korea 542,879 759,258 -88.3 -87.7 -88.7 China 53,447 60,828 -85.4 -84.7 -85.9 Taiwan, China 65,661 66,327 -87.9 -86.8 -88.8 Hong Kong, China 7,180 8,119 -86.7 -85.9 -87.3 Others 224,758 102,130 -86.1 -85.2 -87.9 South Asia 182,294 82,929 -86.5 -85.6 -88.1 India 8,954 2,565 -84.0 -82.5 -87.7 Pakistan 33,510 16,636 -84.5 -83.3 -86.5 Others 1,063,472 988,266 -68.6 -69.1 -68.0 Europe ชาย Male 2563 (2020) Total หญิง รวมยอด ชาย หญิง Female Residence Total Male Female อัตราการเปลี่ยนแปลง Percent change Tourism and Sports Statistics 4 79 128,139 87,722 -77.2 -76.5 -78.1 United Kingdom 132,113 99,147 -72.4 -72.4 -72.3 Germany 124,827 106,787 -67.5 -68.2 -72.8 France 58,609 50,312 -61.0 -63.0 -58.5 Sweden 29,209 21,232 -78.1 -77.5 -78.9 Netherlands 31,317 22,689 -73.8 -74.4 -73.0 Switzerland 34,450 23,877 -76.8 -76.6 -76.9 Italy 32,894 30,068 -60.5 -62.9 -57.5 Denmark 250,573 335,808 -60.4 -59.4 -61.2 Russia 241,341 210,624 -68.3 -68.2 -64.7 Others 173,020 138,230 -80.0 -79.4 -80.8 The Americas 119,010 89,598 -81.6 -80.8 -82.7 United States 31,617 24,367 -77.8 -77.0 -78.8 Canada 22,393 24,265 -72.7 -72.4 -73.0 Others 81,542 57,432 -84.1 -83.4 -85.0 Oceania 72,807 50,936 -84.0 -83.3 -84.8 Australia 8,735 6,496 -85.1 -84.3 -86.0 Others 52,805 32,425 -88.3 -87.5 -89.3 Middle East 16,712 12,856 -84.8 -84.2 -85.4 Israel 6,965 4,184 -86.8 -86.3 -87.6 Kuwait 29,128 15,385 -90.1 -81.4 -91.5 Others 13,390 11,673 -87.3 -86.1 -88.4 Africa Note: Number of tourists excluding Thai nationals residing in foreign country Source: Ministry of Tourism and Sports