Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2003 - page 769

Statistical Tables are in The Excel Format
Chapter 8
Other Social Statistics
Chapter 3
Education Training, Religious, Culture and Mass Communication Statistics
Chapter 4
Health Statistics
Chapter 5
Social Security Statistics
Chapter 6
Gender Statistics
Chapter 10
Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Statistics
Chapter 11
Industrial and Mining Statistics
Chapter 17
Money, Finance, Insurance and Balance of Payments Statistics
Chapter 18
Fiscal Statistics
Chapter 23
Meteorology Statistics
Chapter 19
Prices Statistics
Chapter 20
Statistics of Science, Technology and Patents
Chapter 21
Other Economics Statistics
Chapter 22
Natural Resources and Environment Statistics
Chapter 1
Population and Housing Statistics
Chapter 2
Labor Statistics
Chapter 16
Tourism Statistics
Chapter 12
Energy Statistics
Chapter 13
Distributive and International Trade Statistics
Chapter 14
Transport Statistics
Chapter 15
Communication Statistics
Chapter 7
Statistics of Household Income and Expenditure and their Distribution
Chapter 9
National Accounts
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