Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2006 - page 5

Statistical Yearbook of Thailand has been published annually since
. This yearbook
presents the economic, social and environmental statistics. The objective is to provide statistical
information to all users: administrators, planners, researchers and general readers. Statistics in this
yearbook were collected from the censuses and surveys reports of the National Statistical Office and
from other government agencies as well as state enterprises. The sources of data are indicated in the
introductory part of each chapter and also found at the foot of each table.
The reference period for this yearbook is the calendar year instead of the fiscal year as
was the case in the previous one. Therefore, this “Statistical Yearbook Thailand
” follows the
previous one “Statistical Yearbook Thailand
”. The statistical tables presented in the report are
mostly the same as those of the previous one. However, some new tables were incorporated, and
some were updated or revised according to the final revision from the sources. We wish that the
present yearbook would provide the users more appropriate statistical data in order to support the
users’ needs.
The National Statistical Office gratefully acknowledges the cooperation of the government
agencies and state enterprises for supplying the essential statistical data to the National Statistical
Office to publish the Statistical Yearbook
Without this assistance, this yearbook would not be
complete. Any comments and suggestions to improve the future issues of this publication will be most
welcome and highly appreciated.
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