Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2007 - page 426

Statistics of Household Income and Expenditure and their Distribution
Statistics of household income and expenditure and their distribution presented in this chapter were
obtained from the National Statistical Office.
The National Statistical Office collected data on household income and consumption expenditures
. Comparable survey known as
The Household Socio-Economic Survey
was carried out in
- 1969
and was repeated every five years. In
, due to the rapid economic expansion the National
Statistical Office carried out the survey every two years in order to set the anti- poverty policy. For
, National Statistical Office carried out the special periodic Household Socio-Economic Survey
when there was an economic crisis in Thailand. The objective is to obtain indicators measuring the impact
of economic crisis on living condition of Thai people.
The survey covered all private, non-institutional households residing permanently in municipal
areas and non-municipal areas of all regions. However, it excluded the part of population living in transient
hotels and rooming houses, hostels, boarding schools, temples, military barracks, prisons, welfare institutes,
hospitals and other such institutions. It also excludes households of foreign diplomats and other temporary
Household expenditures
Total household expenditures includes
consumption expenditure
which consisted of the amount
spent on purchasing goods and services needed for living essential, the value of goods and services received
as part of pay, home-produced and consumed
including the rental value of owner occupied dwellings
or received free and from other sources and
non-consumption expenditure
which consisted of the amount
spent on taxes, gifts and contributions, insurance premiums, lottery tickets, interest on debts, and other
non-consumption items.
Consumption expenditures are total household expenditures, excluding non-consumption
Household expenditures exclude the capital formation expenditures such as purchase or
hirepurchase of house and land, vehicles, purchase of jewelry, savings-life insurance premiums, and
provident funds etc.
Household income
Total household incomes includes
current income
which consisted of wages and salaries, tips,
bonuses, etc.
net profits from farming and non-farming business
property incomes such as property
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