Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2007 - page 532

Marine fishery output has smoothly continued expanding due to the factors: the increased fishing
outside Thai territorial waters as neighbouring countries allowed Thai fishing boats to fish in their waters
either based on payment of fees or joint investment projects and the successful on implementation of
measures to conserve and restore of the resources including the rapid expansion of coastal farming,
especially the cultured giant tiger prawn.
Timber and forest products statistics originate from the Royal Forestry Department and National
park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department, Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment.
Existing forest area in this table means forest of all types such as evergreen, pine, mangrove,
mixed deciduous, dry dipterocarp, scrub, swamp and beach forest in the national forest reserved, national
parks, wildlife sanctuaries, forest working plan with an area of
or move with tree taller
metre or more canopy covering move than
of the ground area.
Regarding forestry situations in general, the National Forest Policy has established as a policy that
there should be at least
percent of the country area under forest cover. This represents about
rais so as to achieve balance in environments and emphasize on population to participate the activities of
Royal Forestry Department.
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