Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2007 - page 73

Demographic, Population and Housing Statistics
Population statistics presented in this chapter were obtained from the Bureau of Registration
Administration, the Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior, the Office of the National
Economic and Social Development Board and the National Statistical Office.
Population statistics from the Bureau of Registration Administration
, the
Provincial Registration Offices collected the data on birth, death, registered-out and registered-in from
the notifications of the household owners or the persons concerned. The data processing was conducted
under the direction of the Bureau of Registration Administration, and the results reported were in the
whole kingdom, province, amphoe and municipal area. The population statistics under the registration
system were presented once a year on December
, the population of whole kingdom and province was collected from household’s
registration and then processed by computer for registration data base (off line). In
, online system
was introduced to Registration Office in some areas of the country. Finally, the online system was
completely installed in Registration Offices in all area of Thailand in
, The Department of Provincial Administration, has reviewed, made necessary
correction and properly dealt with double counting of the figure on thailand’s total population.
Therefore, the accurate figure of the country’s total population has been accordingly attained.
Population Statistics from Population and Housing Census
National Statistical Office
carried out the first Population Census in
, and continues to do so at an interval of every
according to the international basis. The findings are used for planning, monitoring and evaluating
programmes of the government and private sectors. The census date of Population and Housing Census
, was on April
1, 2000
. The purpose of the census is to collect information on demographic,
socio-economic characteristics of the population and housing condition of the country. The figures
reflect the country’s population and housing situation at the specified period.
Survey of population change (SPC)
Its statistics as presented in this chapter were obtained
from National Statistical Office. NSO has conducted the routine survey of population change in every
years interval during the mid year of the intercensal period. This report presents the seventh survey
which is divided into
consecutive rounds, having
months interval period between each round. Round
was conducted in order to collect data on base population, while round
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