Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2008 - page 755

Tourism Statistics
Tourism statistics presented in this chapter have been derived from the Tourism Authority of
Thailand, Ministry of Tourism and Sports.
H.R.H. Krompra Kampaengpet Akkarayothin, commissioner of the former State Railways
Department then was keen in promoting tourism. He also set up a Public Section at the department around
to provide facilities and services to tourists visiting Thailand and also to publicize Thailand to foreigners
Tourism statistics
presented in this chapter have been derived from embarkation/disembarkation
cards from Immigration Bureau, Police Department Only data of foreign tourists.
Tourism refer to any person visiting Thailand for any reason other than to exercise remunerated
activity within the Country. The person must at stay least one night, but not longer than ninety days and the
purpose of whose journey can be classified under one of the followings
Leisure, business, family, mission,
1...,738-739,740-741,742-743,744-745,746-747,748-749,750-751,752,753,754 756,757,758-759,760-761,762-763,764-765,766,768-769,770,771,...1010
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