Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2009 - page 668

The Survey on the use of ICT in Households has been u
dertaken the first time in
and since
it has been carried out annually. The objective of the survey, which covered private and institutional
households, was to collect number of households using ICT device.
The Survey on the use of ICT in Establishments has been annually conducted since
, to collect
basic information regarding the use of ICT in business operation. The coverage of the survey was the
industrial establishments with at least
person engaged, located in municipal areas throughout the country.
Survey on ICT industry has been conducted by National Statistical Office for the first time in
in order to obtain statistics and indicators for being used in monitoring and evaluation of the country
development in ICT. The survey covered
groups of ICT industry, namely; the hardware industry, software
industry, information technology services industry, and communications services and telecommunications
Statistics on the use of ICT in educational institute have also been conducted by National Statistical
Office since
in order to collect information on situation of the use of ICT in supporting educational
service in the education institutes.
E-Readiness Rank means the rank of ability in ICT competition, organized under the cooperation
of Economic Intelligent Unit (EIU) and IBM Institute for Business Value, since
1...,652-653,654-655,656-657,658-659,660-661,662-663,664,665,666,667 669,670-671,672-673,674,676-677,678-679,680-681,682-683,684-685,686-687,...960
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