Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2009 - page 706

Tourism Statistics
Tourism statistics presented in this chapter have been derived from the Tourism Authority of
Thailand and Office of Tourism Development, Ministry of Tourism and Sports.
H.R.H. Krompra Kampaengpet Akkarayothin, commissioner of the former State Railways
Department, initially promoted tourism by setting up a Public Relations Section in
to provide facilities
and services to tourists visiting Thailand and also to publicize Thailand to foreigners
Tourism statistics
presented in this chapter have been derived from immigration cards collected
by Immigration Bureau, Royal Thai Police.
Tourist refers to any persons who have no permanent residence in Thailand, visit Thailand at least
one night but not more than
days. The purpose of visiting Thailand would be for leisure, business, visiting
family/relatives, mission and meeting but not for remunerated activity purposes.
Statistics of hotel and guesthouse establishments,
National Statistical Office had published
statistics on hotel operations, the first time in
and in
the survey on hotel operation has expanded
to cover guesthouse operations. This
survey included hotel registered under Hotel Act B.E.
all guesthouses currently in operation. Objective of the survey was to collect data concerning income and
expense of hotel and guesthouse as well as data regarding structures of the operations, number of rooms,
number of guests, number of employees, etc. Data received were used as guidelines for policy formulation and
planning to develop these types of business in the future.
Hotel and guesthouse mean all types of place established for wages received from travelers or
persons who want to live or stay temporarily.
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