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Price Statistics
Price statistics presents the consumer price index, producer price index and construction
materials price index. These data were obtained from the Trade and Economic Indices Bureau, Office of
the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Commerce.
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Consumer Price Index is considered as a tool for measuring the cost of living changes of the
consumers when the price is changed.
At present,
Thailand’s consumer price index calculation emphasizing on general consumer price
index, low income consumer price and rural consumer price index have been adjusted their weight every
four years. Improving on the base year and their weight factors for calculating for calculating CPI of
Thailand is based on the data of Household Socio-economics Survey conducting by National Statistical
Office. Due to updating the weight and base year for calculating CPI changing from
therefore, the information as mentioned survey in
has been used for adjusting CPI as well.
Core consumer price index is the consumer price index excluding group of raw food and
energy items.
Producer Price Index (PPI)
Producer Price Index is defined as measuring the rate of change in such prices reflecting to the
producer at any time comparing to the base year.
Producer Price Index is composed of two major groups as follow
Producer Price Index by stage of processing (SOP)
The initial calculation of this index was
. It was
calculated from three major groups of products, namely finished goods, intermediate
materials and crude materials. Based on each Producer Price Index of three major product groups is
independent, and reflecting the rate of change in such prices in each stage of processing, thus, total
index is not calculated.
Producer Prices Index as classification of products by activity (CPA)
The initial calculation of
this index was in
. It calculated from three major groups of products, namely agricultural products,
mining products and manufactured products. Not only Producer Price Index of which is derived from the
calculation of three major product groups, the total index reflecting the rate of change in such
prices of each product groups as totally is also calculated.
To reach the extremely real Index, thus, Producer Price Index (PPI) calculation has been
adjusted the product listing and theirs weight according to theirs significant every four year. In
, the
PPI calculation has been changed the listing, weight, and base year from
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