ICT Indicators
ICT Development Index : IDI
Apart from the data/indicators of the
Core ICT Indica-
tors 2010, there is also ICT Development Index: IDI, which is widely
used in comparing level of international development of ICT. IDI
consists of total 11 indicators in three fields, namely; an access to
ICT, a use of ICT and ability in using ICT. These fields were applied
with different proportions of weight, e.g. 40% for the access and
the use of ICT and 20% for the ability of using ICT.
When comparing international data of the year 2010,
Thailand was ranked; 89, dropped from 80 in the year 2008. When
considering from the index, it was found that Thailand had the
same figures of index in 2010 and 2008. Among three fields, the
use of ICT of the lowest rank; 93, the access to ICT was ranked
at 89 and skill in using the ICT was ranked at 69.
The following tables illustrated three fields of indicator
groups comparing among ASEAN countries.
1...,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60 62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,...118