Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2003 - page 703

Statistics of Science, Technology and Patents
Statistics of science, technology and patents presented in this chapter were obtained from the
Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Commerce and the National Statistical Office.
Science and Technology
Obviously, there are highly development in science and
technology correlating an extreme competition in both abroard and domestic. Being in people
acknowledge the utilization of high technology products in their life such as mobile phone,
computer, facsimile and so on. At the same time, both science and technology determined the
development stretegies and monitoring plan throughout the government from the past up to now as
supporting such researches as well as gathering its statistics.
Such of new processing techniques and new products are patented by the only
persons or companies that are the originators and owners that could allow to make or sell a new
product for a certain period of time. The Department of Intellectual Property is the focal point to
provide the document for their patent. Also, the department has gathered various statistics of patent
The person who is the author, composer or publishes have the legal right on the
result of originating and creating work. The Department of Intellectual Property is the focal point to
gather such copyright statistics namely writing, drama, art work, music, audio visual aids, movie,
cassette, video, etc.
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