Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2003 - page 91

Total labor force
All persons, who are 15 years of age and over, during the survey week, were in the current
labor force as defined above or were classified as seasonally inactive labor force as defined
Persons not in the labor force
Persons, who were classified in this category were those who were neither employed nor
unemployed during the survey week, nor classified as seasonally inactive labor force as defined
above. They include:
persons who, during the survery week, were under 15 years of age,
persons who, during the survey week, were 15 years of age and over, but they were
neither employed nor available for employment because they were
engaged in household work,
engaged in studies,
too young (below 18 years of age) or too old (above 60 years of age),
incapable of work because of physical or mental disability or chronic illness,
voluntarily idle,
working without pay, profits, dividends or other payments for persons who were not
member of the same household,
working without pay, profits, dividends or any other payments for charitable
organizations and institutions,
otherwise not available for employment.
Due to the increasing demand of data for formulating plans and policy at provincial level,
the National Statistical Office has expanded sample size to propose statistical data at provincial
level, commencing from survey in February and August 1994. For the fourth round in November
1998, data was presented at the first time and presentation data at provincial level.
For more detail, please see the sample design and method of estimation published in the
Report of the Labor Force Survey, Whole Kingdom, published by National Statistical Office.
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