Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2007 - page 373

Social Security Statistics
Social security statistics presented in this chapter were obtained from the National Statistical Office,
the Public Pawnshop Office, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Social Security
Office, Ministry of Labour.
Various countries as well as government and private agencies described social welfare as important
activities which are concerned with the health, living condition, education and so on, in society. Consequently,
the policies in need of those were established in many countries. In addition, the data on social security
extremely reflected the participation of the entire agencies concerned. Thus, such of statistics presenting in
this chapter will be as to the government assistances providing to people with social security under the civic
action policies regarding the grant of annuity such as receive health the insurance, received pawns with low
interest, insured person, etc.
The received, redeemed, overdue pawns statistics
were obtained from the Public Pawnshop
Office, as indicated the number of the received, redeemed and overdue pawns, including theirs value.
Overdue pawn means the received pawn of which the pawner defaulted to repay for interest within a period
of time continuing over four months, and without redeeming the received pawn within thirty days. Since the
pawnshop presented a list of overdue pawns due to defaulting to repay for interest, the received pawns
become the property of the pawnshop.
Social Security
, its information was obtained from the Social Security Office, as indicated the
number of establishments and insured persons according to article
and article
. In addition, it was
indicated the number of utilizing of insured person for each benefit of which was considered in seven cases,
as follow: case of sickness, case of maternity, case of invalidity, case of death, case of child allowance,
case of old age and case of unemployment.
Enterprise means places of operation business, industry and services with one or more employees
at the date of registration except farming business, fishing, forestry and animal farming. Number of
enterprises are counted including headquarters and branch (in case of classified by province, it is considered
by locations).
Insured person article
means a person who pays contributions which provides entitlement to
benefits under the Social Security Act B.E.
2533 (1990)
and amended by Social Security Act.
person article
means any person who has been an insured person article
and whose
insurance has subsequently ceased article
and he or she notify his/her intention to continue to be
insured person.
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