Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2008 - page 598

License concerning drugs statistic
were obtained from Food and Drug Adminstration,
present the license concerning Modern drugs and Traditional drugs by Drug Act, B.E.
Modern drugs is means a drug intended for use in the practice of modern medicine or the cure
of an animal disease. The categories of licenses for modern drugs are as follows
a license to produce
modern drugs, a license to sell modern drugs, a license for modern drug wholesale, a license to sell only
ready-packed modern drugs which are not dangerous or specially-controlled drugs, a license to sell
only ready-packed modern drugs for veterinary use and a license to import or order drugs into the
Traditional drugs is mean a drug intended for use in the practice of the traditional medicine or
the cure of an animal disease which appears in a pharmacopoeia of traditional drug notified by the
Minister, or a drug notified by the Minister as a traditional drug, or a drug of which formula has been
registered as that of a traditional drug. The categories of licenses for Traditional drugs are as follows
licence to produce traditional drugs, a licence to sell traditional drugs and a licence to import or order
traditional drugs into the Kingdom.
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