Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2009 - page 261

Health Statistics
Health statistics were obtained from Bureau of Policy and Strategy, Epidemiology Division, Office
of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health and the National Statistical Office.
Healthy person is major factor on the development and security of country. In particular, the tenth
National Economic and Social Development Plan(B.E.
2550 (2007) – 2554 (2011)
) emphasize on
development of holistic health system aiming to healthcare as preventive as well as revival of mental and
physical well being. Enhancing Thais have food security and consumption as well as cutting down any
behaviors as riskily on health.
Public health statistics
Its statistics concern various areas namely the number of hospital, health
personnel and public health. They were classified according to the authorities concerned from government
agencies, state enterprises and private units. In addition, its statistics reflect on the relation ratio between
health resources and country’s people. Health statistics compiling by Bureau of Policy and Strategy are
derived from the Provincial Public Health Office, questionnaire and the authorities concerned.
Statistics on Smoking and Drinking Behavior
National Statistics Office had firstly conducted
survey on Smoking Behavior in
and survey on Drinking Behavior in
. Later, in
these two
surveys were merged together under the survey titled
Smoking and Drinking Behavior.
The coverage of
this survey was members of private households located in municipal and non-municipal areas throughout
the country. Data collected were population’s behavior at risk to health status.
According to the Tobacco Act. B.E.
, it means such of finely tobacco-cut or another
similar substance is flavoured whether or not mixed with any other ingredient of tobacco-dried or finely
tobacco-cut, wrapping or covering of which is made of paper or used any other substance rather than paper
or tobacco-dried or finely tobacco-cut.
Such of cigarette types were defined in this survey, namely cigarette-packed in domestic,
cigarette-packed from aboard, roll-your-own cigarette not producing from the Monopoly Tobacco Office
and other cigarette such as cigars and pipes, and etc.
Liquor or beverage-drunk means the beverages having an ingredient of alcohol such as Thai
Makhong, Sangthip, Hongthong
local liquor as the white spirit at
white liquor
Kra Chae, Sa to and the others, namely brandy, wine ,whisky, beer, and etc,
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