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Project Name Branch Sequence Latest year
Health field Not regularly 2020
Demography, Population and Housing Not regularly 2020
Demography, Population and Housing Not regularly 2020
Demography, Population and Housing Every 10 years 2015-2016
Demography, Population and Housing Not regularly 2018
Demography, Population and Housing Latest volume 2014
Demography, Population and Housing Annual 2008
Demography, Population and Housing Latest volume 2006
Religion art culture Latest volume 2005
Branch of household income and expenditure Latest volume 2000
Health field Every 4 years 2017
Labor field Latest volume 2009
Labor field Not regularly 2018
Labor field Not regularly 2017
Branch of household income and expenditure Latest volume 2012
Branch of household income and expenditure Latest volume 2013
Health field Latest volume 2011
Labor field Latest volume 2007
Health field Every 3 years 2017
Health field Every 3 years 2021