Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2003 - page 144

The formal education consists of four levels: pre-elementary, elementary, secondary and
higher levels.
Pre-elementary level offers a two-year course in public school and a three-year course in
private school. Pre-elementary education aims to nurture and prepare physical, mental, intellectual
and emotional skills to students for their further movement on to the elementary education.
Elementary level undergoes at least six years of elementary education as a compulsory
education. Elementary education puts emphasis on basic literacy and numeracy skills and cultivate
desirable behavior in students.
Secondary level is divided into two levels; lower and upper secondary levels.
Lower secondary education offers a three-year course which is geared towards developing
the students’ ethics, knowledge and abilities. It allows the students to explore their needs, areas of
interests and aptitudes and enables them to meet their appropriate careers.
Upper secondary education is a three-year course as a fundamental stage for the students
who will proceed to higher education. It also aims to prepare students to meet the labor market and
to promote their entrepreneurship skills. There are two streams; vocational stream is provided in
vocational and technical colleges for the students who are good at skills while academic stream is
offered in general education schools for the students who are academically-talented.
Higher level is a post-secondary education which is divided into three levels: diploma,
undergraduate and graduate levels.
The provision of formal education is flexible, depending on the different ability groups,
school location and the nation’s needs. There is vocational training for the students who are good at
skills and who want to meet the labor market. Teacher training is for those who are interested in
teaching. Special education is provided for the people who are disabled and difficult in learning.
Welfare education is for the poor and remoted rural students. Purposive education is offered based
on the schools’ potential and the nation’s needs such as nursing, military and police cadet and
transport and telecommunication as well.
In 1999 the educational system was based on the National Education Act of B.E. 2542
(1999). All individuals shall have equal rights to receive basic education provided by the State for
the duration of at least 12 years, free of charge. Compulsory education shall be for nine years, (grade
1 – grade 9) formerly it was at least 6 years.
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