Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2003 - page 418

Distributive and International Trade Statistics
Distributive trade statistics presented in this chapter were obtained from the National
Statistical Office.
At present, distribution trade is extreamely changed from the past especially the
transformation of legal and ecnomic establishment. Regarding the legal transformation, there are
changed in the ways that make goods and services much better as franchise and agency. In addition,
the oversea entrepreneurs has established their own business and joint-venture with local
The Business Trade and Services Survey
National Statistical Office has carried out the
annual survey of Business Trade and Services since 1968. The Report of the Business Trade and
Services Survey aims to collect basic information on business establishments, such as number of
business establishments, type and size of establishments, number of workers and their remuneration,
value of goods purchased, operating expenses, receipts, inventory and values of fixed assets. In
2002, it is the latest survey.
International trade statistics presented in this chapter have been derived from the Customs
Department, Ministry of Finance.
International trade statistics have been the classification of commodities as followed the
method used in “Thailand Trade Nomenclature, sixth, edition, 1970” which provided commodity
codes on the basis of the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature. Since 1977, the Thailand Trade
Nomenclature has been based on the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature (the Customs Cooperation
Council Nomenclature, CCCN.) with conversion to the Standard International Trade Classification
Rev. 2 (SITC.) The Customs Department published this book to assist the users for the study and
comparison of statistical commodity data of different countries to be more beneficial to the
international trade. Since 1988, the classification of commodities has based on the Harmonized
System (H.S.).
means the goods which are imported and exported by the
government, government organizations as well as private enterprises and individuals but excludes:-
accompanying personal effects of the passengers, for their own private use,
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