Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2004 - page 447

Transport Statistics
Transport statistics presented in this chapter have been derived from the State Railway
of Thailand, the Department of Land Transport, the Airports Authority of Thailand, the
Department of Aviation and the Department of Highways.
The State Railway of Thailand was first set up as a government department, however it
afterwards became an autonomous organization as a result of the State Railway Act B.E.
, taking over the business as well as the assets and liabilities of the State Railways
Department. The first inauguration line commenced in
and the line was then extended to
Nakhon Ratchasima in
, with a distance of
kilometres. For all the earlier lines, the railway
tracts used the
inches gauge system. From the year
onwards, the construction of
the Southern main line had brought into the one metre gauge system, the intention of this was to
link Thailand with Malaysia and the Union of Myanmar. The conversion to metre gauge system
was decided upon in
, and completed in April
The Department of Land Transport, Ministry of Transport is the agency that take
responsibility on initial registration of vehicle license, renewal, transport out, transport in,
changing right and others. By Land Transport Act B.E.
2522 (1979),
motor vehicle that used for
transportation and communications in Bangkok and other changwats are classified as follows:
fixed route bus, bus for hire, private bus, non-fixed route truck, private truck and small rural bus.
Previously the registration of those types vehicle mentioned was the Registration
Division, the Royal Thai Police Department, Ministry of Interior
s responsibility (the Royal Thai
Police Headquarters at present). In
, under Motor Car Act B.E.
2522 (1979)
the given
responsibility is for the following types; sedan (not more than
passengers), van and pick up,
motortricycle, interprovincial taxi, motortricycle taxi (tuk tuk), motorcycle, tractor, road roller
farm vehicle, trailer and others.
1...,435,436,437,438,439,440,442-443,444,445,446 448,449,450-451,452,453,454,455,456,458-459,460-461,...696
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