Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2004 - page 79

The main objective of this survey aims to estimate the number and characteristics of the
labour force at the country and provincial level as periodically. The National Statistical Office has
adapted and changed the concepts and definitions as used in the Labour Force Survey ( LFS )
Project many times since the initial year. The purpose is to improve the completeness of the
collected data with respect to the real socio-economic situation of the country and to serve for
users requirement.
, the age of persons in labour force were changed from
years of age and over to
years of age and over in accordance with the child labor law. The international standard of
classification in occupation, industry and status of employment were adopted, and area of
local administration which the former sanitary district were included in non-municipal area were
presently included in municipal area.
Some of the main definitions used in the survey are as follows:
Employed persons
Persons, who are
years of age and over, during the survey week,
. worked for at least one hour for wages/salaries, profits, dividends or any other kind of
payment, in cash, in kind; or
. did not work at all or worked less than one hour but
received wage/salary, profits from business enterprise or farm during the period of
absence; or
not received wage/salary, profits from business enterprise or farm during the period
of absence but had regular jobs or business that they would be return to work.
. worked for at least one hour without pay in business enterprises or on farms owned or
operated by household heads or members.
Unemployed persons
Persons, who are
years of age and over, during the survey week did not work even for
one hour, had no jobs, business enterprises, or farms of their own.
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