Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2007 - page 35

The climate of Thailand is tropical. Roughly divided, there are three seasons. In the period
of hot season, it lasts from mid-February to mid-May. The highest temperature is in March. From
mid-May to mid-October, the rainy season, it has rain and cloudy from the tropical monsoon zone
of Southeast Asia, from when it turns moderate to cool until
February, excepting the climate in southern region it is humid throughout the year.
The Standard Thai or Central Thai is the official language. The Standard Thai is
the language using in most schools for teaching and speaking. In addition, the languages can be
devided in terms of various pronunciations, namely Northeastern Thai, Northern Thai, Southern Thai,
and etc.
Buddhism is the religion of Thailand. Consequently, Thailand freely professes any
religion. At present, not only Thais have professed Buddhism, about
percents, but also the
others have professed the other faiths such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism.
Government provided for the comprehensive educational plan requiring twelve
years of study. As for the compulsory education, which called for nine years of study, it was
characterized by the two-level structure: the primary education requiring six years of study and the
lower secondary education requiring three years of study. In addition, the learners who wish or enter
higher education or the university need to study for three years of upper secondary education.
As for considering to the
major economic sectors of country emphasizing on agriculture,
industry, tourism, and natural resource are as the major earners of country. Overall economy in
, the GDP of country was
billion baht. Focused on export, its value was in the amount of
billion baht, whereas the value of import was in the amount of
billion baht.
Rice is the most important agricultural product. In addition, there are the other
important agricultural products, namely rubber, vegetable and fruit, as well as livestock such as cow,
pig and poultry. Regarding aquatic animals, it is composed of inland fisheries and marine fisheries.
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