Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2008 - page 34

which is divided into
consecutive rounds, having
months interval period between each round. Round
was conducted in order to collect data on base population, while round
2 - 5
gathered information
regarding birth, death and the change in demographic characteristics which had been previously
interviewed during round
Population Projection for Thailand
2000 - 2025
National Economic and Social
Development Board collected data from Population and Housing Census
, as in the base year,
including analysis on trend and population change in the area of fertility, mortality and migration for
utilizing on making the hypothesis of population composition for its projection in the future.
Vital Statistics
Its statistics as presented in this chapter were obtained from the Office of the
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health. It show the data relating to livebirths and deaths.
According to the Civils Registration Act, birth must be registered at the Registration Office
days from the date of birth, and deaths must be registered within
hours from the time of
death or the time seeing the dead body. Livebirth and Mortality Statistics was analysed from the civil
registration database of Registration Administration Bureau, Ministry of Interior
which has
system as
The old system
The birth and death certificates are prepared in
separated parts that each
part is distributed to the informant, the Registration Office and the district Public Health Office (now not
This system were data from the second part of Birth and Mortality Certificate to record into the
civil registration database. Ministry of Interior Service of Computer Centre of some Civil Registration.
The only
copy is handed to the informer. And the data is electronically sent to Registration
Administration Bureau. Data flow Civil Registration Database with cheeking and flow Ministry of Public
Health for the Whole Kingdom processing.
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