Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2009 - page 294

Social Security Statistics
Statistics on social security presented in this chapter were obtained from various sources, i.e. from
the National Statistical Office, the Public Pawnshop Office, Ministry of Social Development and Human
Security and the Social Security Office, Ministry of Labour.
The Government and private agencies of various countries have prioritized social welfare as an
important issue in order to help people with vulnerability, consequently, the policies on social welfare are
formulated to better vulnerable people’s conditions. Thus the data on social welfare extremely reflected the
participation of the entire agencies concerned, such statistics presenting in this chapter will focus on
government policies in assisting people with social welfare under the government’s administration, such as
health insurance, low interest in pawnshops, social security fund, etc.
Statistics on health and welfare have been
produced for the first time by National Statistical
Office in
. The objectives of the
survey were to collect data concerning medical cost on welfare,
being an out-patient or in-patient, uses of public health services and cost on public health service, etc.
on pawnshop were obtained from the Public Pawnshop Office, presenting a number of
objects, including their value. Overdue pawn means the objects left to the pawnshop due to defaulting of
paying back interest at a period of over four months, and not being redeemed within thirty days. Then, the
objects become the property of the pawnshop.
Social Security
, its information was obtained from the Social Security Office, presenting data on
number of establishments and insured persons, according to article
and article
. In addition, it shows
the number of claimants according to seven cases, namely sickness, maternity, invalidity, case of death,
child allowance, old age and unemployed.
Enterprise means places for operation on business, industry and services with one or more
employees at the date of registration except, farming business, fishing, forestry and animal farming. Number
of enterprises counted are inclusive of headquarters and branches (in case of classifying by province, it is
considered by locations).
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