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Transport Statistics
Transport statistics presented in this chapter have been derived from the Department of
Highways, the Department of Land Transport, The Expressway and Rapid Transit Authority of
Thailand, the State Railway of Thailand, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited, Department of
Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transport and Royal Thai Police.
The Department of Highways
is responsible for monitoring and controlling only for special
highways, national highways and concession highways. Statistics presented were the data on under
construction roads, and maintenance.
Highway is classified, under the National Highway Act B.E.
2535 (1992),
Special highways or Motorways; these are roads with especially high standards of design and
prepared to highly facilitate traffic on the important routes
National highways; roads which connect the regions, provinces districts and other primarily
important routes, they are under the responsibility of the Department of Highways.
Rural roads; they are roads connecting among non-municipal areas and sanitary districts, they
are taken care by Tambon Authority Organization, the Department of Highways
Municipal highways; all roads in municipal areas governed by municipal authority such as
cities, towns.
Roads in Sanitary districts; roads in sanitary district areas under the office of sanitary districts.
Concession highways; a special road, in which the government provided for public use.
The Department of Land Transport;
Ministry of Transport is the agency responsible for
registration of new vehicle, license, renewal, rights transfer and others. According to Land Transport Act
2522 (1979),
vehicles are classified as follows: fixed route bus, non-fixed route bus, private car,
non-fixed route truck, private truck and mini bus.
refers to public vehicle, vehicle for service and private car.
refers to vehicle used to service passengers from airport, port, bus terminal offices, etc.
Tour taxi
refers to vehicle which enterprises used for tour business.
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