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Vision, Strategy, Mission

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"To be the main national organization in the management of the statistics system for the development of the country"


1. Prepare a census, survey by sample or facilitation in order to obtain economic, social, and environmental data of the country.
2. Statistics and information service and consulting An introduction to academic knowledge in statistics to service users from all sectors.
3. Develop statistics and information to be systematic. to support the development of the country.
4. Integrate, link statistics and information from government agencies and other sectors in accordance with international standards.
5. Develop the country statistical personnel to be professional.
6. Raise public awareness in cooperation and saw the importance of providing information.

Strategic issues and goals

Strategy 1: Develop quality production processes and statistical services to meet the needs of users in all sectors.
Objective 1 To have an efficient, fast production process and provide a variety of services that are easy to access and meet the needs of users.

Strategy 2 Integrate, link and exchange important and necessary statistics and information of the country for quality. and meets international standards.
Goal 2 Countries have important, necessary, quality statistics and data that can support decision-making. effectively.

Strategy 3: Develop the country statistical personnel to be professional.
Goal 3 The country statistical personnel are professional.

Strategy 4: Creating public awareness and promoting the use of statistical data and information.
Goal 4 People realize, understand, see the importance of statistical data. Cooperate in providing accurate, complete and accurate statistical data from all sectors. Statistical data and information for planning and decision making.

Corporate culture

Adhering to the principles, ready to find new things, care about customers, faith in the organization, generosity to each other, and love for NSO.