Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2003 - page 10

Population and Housing Statistics
Population statistics presented in this chapter were obtained from the Bureau of Registration
Administration, the Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior, the Office of the
National Economic and Social Development Board and the National Statistical Office.
Population statistics from the Bureau of Registration Administration
Before 1987, the
Provincial Registration Offices collected the data on birth, death, outmigrant and inmigrant
from the notifications of the household owners or the persons concerned. The data processing was
conducted under the direction of the Bureau of Registration Administration, and the results
reported were in the whole kingdom, province, amphoe and municipal area. The population statistics
under the registration system were presented once a year on December 31.
In 1987, the population statistics was collected from household’s registration and then
processed by computer. The change of population depend on such factors: births, deaths and
Population statistics from Population and Housing Census
National Statistical Office
carried out the first Population Census in 1960, and continues to do so at an interval of every 10
years according to the international basis. The findings are used for planning, monitoring and
evaluating programmes of the government and private sectors. The census date of Population and
Housing Census in 2000, is on April, 1. The purpose of the census is to collect information on
demographic, socio-economic characteristics of the population and housing condition of the country.
The figures reflect the country’s population and housing situation at the specified period.
Population Projection for Thailand 2000 - 2025
National Economic and Social
Development Board collected data from Population and Housing Census 2000, as in the base year,
including analysis on trend and population change in the area of fertility, mortality and migration for
utilizing on making the hypothesis of population composition for its projection in the future.
Vital statistics
Its statistics as presented in this chapter were obtained from the Office of
the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health. It show the data relating to livebirths and
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