Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2003 - page 11

According to the Civils Registration Act, birth must be registered at the Registration Office
within 15 days from the date of birth, and deaths must be registered within 24 hours from the time
of death or the time seeing the dead body. The birth and death certificates are prepared in 3
separated parts that each part is distributed to the informant, the Registration Office and the
Provincial Public Health Office as respectively. The data recorded in the third part will be sent to the
Bureau of Policy and Strategy for the whole kingdom processing. The data on births and deaths
include sex, age of mother, order of birth and causes of death by age group.
Statistics on immigration, naturalization and registration of aliens residing in Thailand are
derived from records of registration as kept by Immigration Bureau, the Royal Thai Police
an alien means any person who is not of Thai nationality under the Nationality Act.
an immigrant means any alien who enters the Kingdom.
Immigrant quota:
according to the Immigration Act B.E. 2522, the annual immigration
quota is to be fixed by the Ministry of Interior at not more than one hundred persons for each
country and not more than fifty persons having no nationality.
Non - quota immigrants:
non - quota immigrants comprise aliens who are:-
an alien who previously entered to take up residence in the Kingdom and re-entered into
the Kingdom within one year from the data of endorsement,
a child of an alien father and mother born while the mother was out of the Kingdom and
the mother has an application of departure for return within one year. When the child enter into the
Kingdom with father or mother who returns within the prescribed time as stated in the application of
departure for return and the child is under one year old,
a woman having Thai nationality by birth who has renounced Thai nationality in the case
of marriage to an alien,
a child not becoming sui juris of a woman having Thai nationality by birth irrespective
of whether or not the woman will renounce Thai nationality in the case of marriage to an alien.
Temporary stay in the Kingdom
Alien entering into the Kingdom for a temporary stay may enter for diplomatic or consular
missions; performance of official duties; and touring, sporting, business and investing under the
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