Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2003 - page 4

Statistical Yearbook of Thailand has been an annual publication since 1916. This
yearbook presents the economic, social and environment statistics. Its aim is to provide the
appropriate statistical data for information services to the users: administrators, planners, researchers
and general readers. Statistics in this yearbook were collected from the reports on census and survey
of the National Statistical Office and from other government agencies as well as state enterprises.
The sources of the data are indicated in the introductory text of each section and also found at the
foot of each table.
This report has improved its statistics branch in accordance with the programme
classification of Administrative Committee on Coordination, United Nations. Its statistics was
classified into thirty-first branches. However, some of its branches has been grouped to be twenty-
three branches as workable on the purpose of NSO. Its detail of volume which specified on the
cover of report has been adjusted by removing the Volume. Besides, the statistical tables presented
in the report are intended to be the same as those of the previous yearbook. Some new tables are
added to where necessary and most table are updated or revised for the final figures as much as
possible. With the hope that the yearbook would provide more adequate data to facililate the
benefits to the users.
The National Statistical Office gratefully acknowledges the kind cooperation of the
government agencies and state enterprises who have supplied the essential statistical data for the
preparation of the volume 2003. Without their assistances, this yearbook would not be complete.
Any comment and suggestions to improve the future issues of this publication will be highly
National Statistical Office
Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
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