Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2007 - page 172

Due to the increasing demand of data for formulating plans and policy at provincial level, the
National Statistical Office has expanded sample size to propose statistical data at provincial level,
commencing from survey in February and August
. For the fourth round in November
, data was
presented at the first time and presentation data at provincial level.
For more detail, please see the sample design and method of estimation published in the Report
of the Labour Force Survey, Whole Kingdom, published by National Statistical Office.
Minimum wage rate
was obtained from Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry
of Labour.
The Committee on wage is authorized to set the rate of minimum wage. The Committee consists
of three parties as set forth by the Labour Protection Act B.E
2541 (1998)
, they are five members each from
employer, employee and government.
The Committee on wage decentralized power to regional committee for making an decision for
rate of minimum wage by appointing sub-committees for rate of minimum wage for Bangkok and for
provinces. This sub-committees consist of
parties the same as the Committee on Wage.
In considering the rate of minimum wage, the Committee on Wage will obtain all information
consisting of cost of living index, inflation rate, cost of living standard, cost of production, cost of merchandise,
business ability, quality of labour, which is in accordance with the Regulation no.
of the Labour Protection
Act B.E
2541 (1998).
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