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Joint effort urged in boosting reading ability
Parents, teachers and the government can all play a vital role in
overcoming the dismal track record in reading by Thai children - less than
five books a year, academics said yesterday.
Parents should promote a reading habit among their children when
they are still young, while teachers should make Thai language studies both
fun and educational and the government should ensure access to quality
books for underprivileged kids, the Quality Learning Foundation seminar heard.
Assoc Prof Wittayakorn Chiangkul, head of a research project for the
"100 books that youths should read", said it was imperative to motivate
children to read more. Most people view fiction as being for leisure reading
when in fact fiction is a great help in promoting youths' reading habits, he said.
The book list, which is available at
, is divided into
three age groups according to interest and comprehension.
Picture books with easy-to-read content are for small children aged
up to 6 years. Books that youths could joyfully relate to that have more life-
reflecting content but are not too depressing or violent are for those aged 6 to
Books with a variety of content and more complicated plots but that
use simple and clear language are for teenagers up to 18. The recommended
books - mostly fiction, as they were more appealing to youths than academic
books - would be accompanied by the project committee's advice in terms of
the advantages and weak points for future development in book writing.
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